ITER NOW 1.10: Toroidal Field Coils

Описание к видео ITER NOW 1.10: Toroidal Field Coils

Welcome to ITER NOW! This April, under strict hygienic safety standards established during the global Covid-19 pandemic, two 360-tonne toroidal field coils – the magnets at the center of the ITER Tokamak – arrived at the ITER worksite, after 30 years of collaborative design, international negotiation, and precise manufacturing.

The first TF coil – #9 – arrived from Italy, under contract from the ITER European Domestic Agency, Fusion for Energy. A week later, a second TF coil from Japan also arrived, and ITER NOW was there to record the official document signing transfer ownership of the coil to the ITER Organization.

Video: Will Beaton, ITER Organization
Drone: Emmanuel JF Riche, ITER Organization


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