Perfection is the Wrong Direction | Isabella Fons | TEDxYouth@OTHS

Описание к видео Perfection is the Wrong Direction | Isabella Fons | TEDxYouth@OTHS

Perfectionism is rampant in today's society, but is it really the good trait that some make it out to be? Isabella explores the unintended consequences that perfectionism can have on a person and their personal journey.

Isabella Fons is a junior at Tompkins High School and has been a passionate member of her schools cross country and track teams for the past 3 years. She also has a popular, self-titled youtube channel -where she creates content concerning healthy eating and lifestyle - that has grown to nearly 20,000 subscribers. Whether toeing the line at a big race or working hard to create new stories and videos for her following, Isabella has learned that with some faith, perseverance, and fun that you can truly accomplish whatever you want to. (Like giving a TEDx talk, which has been a goal of hers since middle school!)

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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