瑞典跳蚤市场长成什么样子?What does a flea market in Sweden look like?

Описание к видео 瑞典跳蚤市场长成什么样子?What does a flea market in Sweden look like?

#跳蚤市场 #跟着莎莉去旅游 #北欧旅游
【Subtitles】 Please turn on CC for subtitles in various languages!
在社会福利高度发达的北欧,人们的生活是什么样子?除了有奢侈生活的一面,也有非常低调的一角。What people live in Nordic, where social welfare is highly developed? In addition to the luxurious life, there is also a very low -key corner.

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莎莉从事旅游职业多年,就读于瑞典职业大学旅游顾问专业;是旅游顾问、中国资质导游, 资质中医美容师和健身气功八段锦及太极拳教练。
Sally: the host of Channel from Guilin China originally and lives in Sweden, graduated from Swedish Vocational University in tourism and travel consultant. Professional International Travel Consultant, China national - certified tour guide, China national-certified traditional Chinese medical beautician and instructor for Health Qigong and Tai Chi.

收费服务:北欧和中国旅游咨询及私人订制、桂林旅游预定 和 Zoom健身课
Paid Services: travel consulting & private customization on travel, booking for Guilin tour, Zoom Fitness live Class

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*Facebook tour page: Magical Silk Road,
*Facebook fitness page: Health Qigong & Tai Chi
*YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7rS


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