Keynote Speaker Sean Mooney

Описание к видео Keynote Speaker Sean Mooney

Speaker: Sean Mooney, PhD, Director, Center for Information Technology, NIH

Talk Title: “AI@NIH: Drug Discovery, Clinical Healthcare, and Multimodal AI”

Abstract: The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the nation’s medical research agency — making important discoveries that improve health and save lives. Data Science and artificial intelligence (AI) is an NIH-wide priority initiative to take better advantage of the exponential growth of biomedical research datasets, which is an area of critical importance to biomedical research. NIH engages with partners both within NIH and in academia, industry, non-profits, or other government Agencies, to coordinate access to and analysis of many different data types (Big Data) that make up this revolution in biological information. The Office of Data Science Strategy, the Center for Information Technology, the National Library of Medicine, and the other NIH Institutes and Centers regularly collaborate to enable research that leverages AI. In this presentation, existing NIH strategy in research data platforms and AI will be presented along with an overview of ongoing projects in AI and Data Science.


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