
Описание к видео Scared

Since the release of this song in November our world has become incredibly disappointing and I find myself questioning its dystopian nature and finding myself relating to the lyrics in this song more and more every day. Things need to start changing and it starts now. I am uploading this because now is no time to be afraid of the attention or spare feelings. Lives are hyper politicized more than ever and as a new freshly legal adult (17 at the time of writing) I have to stress the importance of sharing trans experiences. The United States alone is supporting a genocide and using it as fuel in a political fire that has NOTHING to do with anything at all. Trans lives are taken every day, and we are met with nothing but, "they had it coming". The upcoming fear of Project 2025 doesn’t just affect trans lives either, it affects the lives of every single person in the United States. It affects our education, safety, freedom of speech and expression and our free will. I am not going to stand here and waste away and let everyone around me be forced to leave, or be faced with death. Now I see more and more people proudly saying they would hurt anyone who remotely looks trans at all, it's not right. We are entering a horrible dystopia and no one cares about voting or researching or educating themselves and I am not going to be complicit and silent in one of the most crucial times in our development as a country and in the world. I will not stand here and let this happen. I will do my part and use my voice because I can be threatened, and scared and whatever, but I am not going to stop.
I would join anyone else whose life has been taken for being who they were and I will not let anyone threaten me into stepping down from supporting innocent human lives being allowed to receive medical care and accessibility and the freedom to exist in safety. I hope that this song reveals the true hypocrisy of the small weak people who spend their time trying to hurt other people. To quote the director of this MV and someone who has played a significant part in my outspokenness of my identity, “You’re not armed and scared, you’re locked and loaded.” There is disappointment to be felt if your time on Earth is used to be a vessel of hate. Do better. Research, think and donate. Lives are not political pawns and I won't live my life in fear because of uneducated assholes threatening kids, parents, educators, doctors and innocent people. Do what you can do elevate the voices of those who are speaking out and do your part to help them.
There is good to be done and you can be the change. Please do your own research and truly think about the choices you can make to do good. The proceeds of this song will be going to organizations protecting legislation regarding trans healthcare and donations to help give aid to those in Gaza.
MV Fully trans made, we conceptualized this project based off of the original song I had written. Song written and produced by me and directed and edited by Wilbur McGeown.


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