Nomadic wedding celebration in Iran

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In Iran, especially among nomadic tribes like the Bakhtiari, Qashqai, and other rural communities, wedding celebrations are vibrant and deeply rooted in tradition. These events can last for several days, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the tribe. Here's a glimpse into what a nomadic wedding celebration might look like:

1. Pre-Wedding Traditions:

Arranged Marriages: In many nomadic tribes, marriages are often arranged by families. This is considered a way of preserving family ties and strengthening community bonds.

Dowry and Bride Price: The groom's family often provides a "lab-e-shir" (dowry), which may include livestock, carpets, jewelry, and other goods.

2. Wedding Ceremony:

Setting: The wedding is typically held outdoors in a large open space, usually in the heart of nature, where tents are set up. The venue is often decorated with colorful rugs, flowers, and tribal symbols.

Traditional Clothing: Both the bride and groom wear traditional attire. The bride might wear colorful, layered dresses adorned with tribal jewelry



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