BEST Practices for Accepting Ancestry Hints (+ some tricks)

Описание к видео BEST Practices for Accepting Ancestry Hints (+ some tricks)

Confused on best practices for accepting Ancestry Hints and other platform hints? Best ways to accept hints under varying circumstances and fix things when we make mistakes.

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0:00 Intro
0:35 Teaching tree
1:05 Reviewing hints in side panel
1:29 Edit button in hints
2:05 Saving facts as an alternate fact
2:40 Adding new source as existing fact
3:20 Changing & standardizing places in hints
4:22 Removing alternate names
4:50 Addition additional sources to tree facts
5:40 How to work around the hint side panel on Ancestry
6:20 How to automatically populate census descriptions
7:22 Preferred facts v. alternate facts
8:52 Fix accidentally not accepted facts in hint
9:30 Using hints to add parents with sources
10:08 Manually change fact source date & place
10:30 Resaving sources
12:02 Creating alternate marriages
14:25 Adding family members through hints
16:09 Merging duplicate people
17:22 Wrap up

🙋‍♀️ ABOUT ME: Learning about your ancestors is fun! It’s detective work at its best. My professional genealogy business, Ancestry Consulting by Aimee and my You Tube channel were born out of a desire to help others discover their family history. I have been working on my genealogy since a teenager and have been helping others as a professional genealogist for almost 10 years. Whether breaking through a genealogy brick wall, determining parents through DNA matches, beginning genealogy research, or discovering your family origins, I want to help you build your family tree! Happy hunting!

Check out these other genealogy YouTubers: Genealogy TV, Family History Fanatics, Geneavlogger, Ancestry (Barefoot Genealogist), Genealogy with Amy Johnson Crow, and of course, keep watching me, Aimee Cross - Genealogy Hints. Danielle Romero is doing a great job telling her story of discovering her family, specifically "Finding Lola" on her channel NYTN.

#ancestry #familysearch #familyhistory #genealogy #ancestryhints

Intro music: "Something Elated" by Broke for Free.


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