Addressing the Looming Capacity Charge Increase

Описание к видео Addressing the Looming Capacity Charge Increase

An important component of the cost of electricity for municipal accounts is the capacity charge, which can constitute as much as 20-30% of municipal electricity costs. Importantly, the quantity of capacity you are charged for (“capacity tag”) is determined during just a single hour each summer, and that hour is fast approaching! Additionally, the price of capacity is set to double for many of us, giving it even more impact on your bottom line.

Watch this webinar to learn about the capacity and demand charge issues, how anticipate the peak hour, and most, importantly, what you can do to reduce your costs as a result. We will be joined by:
• Ruthy Bennett, Regional Energy Manager for Arlington and Bedford;
•Susan McPhee, Energy Manager for Winchester and Woburn; and
• Patrick Ryan; Business Development Manager at EnerNOC


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