Percussionist Tom Teasley "Three Beat Phrase Ideas for Drumset"

Описание к видео Percussionist Tom Teasley "Three Beat Phrase Ideas for Drumset"

This is a pretty deep dive into taking a three-beat phrase, repeating it five times, and adding a one-beat turn-around. This, of course, gives 16 beats or for measures in 4/4 time. I have included the skeletal phrase underneath, and the voice-over describes some of my variations. I hope this is helpful to you. Please get in touch with me for a PDF version of the phrases.
‪@YamahaDrumsEurope‬ ‪@SabianVault‬ ‪@VicFirthCompany‬ #drums #drumlessons #jazzdrumming #drumming
Stay well, and happy drumming.

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