IEEE R5&6 Discussion with Pixar's Leif Pedersen on the 2024 Pixar Renderman Challenge

Описание к видео IEEE R5&6 Discussion with Pixar's Leif Pedersen on the 2024 Pixar Renderman Challenge

IEEE Regions 5&6 had an engaging discussion with Leif Pedersen, a CG Generalist and key figure at Pixar, providing us with the chance to learn from one of the industry's leading experts and gain valuable insights into the world of computer graphics.

With over a decade of experience, Leif has dedicated his career to refining RenderMan, ensuring it remains at the forefront of computer graphics technology. Leif delved into this year's theme of "SciTech" and discussed how RenderMan is being used to create groundbreaking visuals that push the boundaries of what's possible. He shared insights into his own work and the role of CG in shaping the future of storytelling and innovation.

Ready to put your skills to the test and create groundbreaking visuals?
Join the RenderMan Challenge and compete for exciting prizes!

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