Language and War in Ukraine: Halyna Matsyuk on the Wartime Vocabulary of Everyday Life

Описание к видео Language and War in Ukraine: Halyna Matsyuk on the Wartime Vocabulary of Everyday Life

The project of Halyna Matsyuk, professor at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, is centered around the usage of various lexical units in times of war. Halyna analyzed more than 50 public communication outlets, such as media and the websites of governmental organizations, to discern phrases that are used repeatedly. Over the course of the project, she decided to focus on callsigns and the people behind them, writing dictionary entries about each of them.

In this video, Halyna Matsyuk talks about how to make seemingly cold and impersonal data warmer, the duty to convey the beauty of Ukrainian people, and her personal encounters with the relatives of the soldiers she is writing about.

This project is supported by Documenting Ukraine, a project of the Institute for Human Sciences, IWM Vienna. Learn more about the project here:


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