I trekked the most dangerous/Tallest/Active Volcano in Bali, Mt Agung (3150m)

Описание к видео I trekked the most dangerous/Tallest/Active Volcano in Bali, Mt Agung (3150m)

This weekend 10 June 2022, I planned to climb this crazy mountain called Mt agung.

I have already done Mt Batur (1700m) in 2019, that time we were planning to do Mt Agung but it was closed as it erupted that year.

Lucky me this time it was open, but the only thing I missed was the research needed and good equipment like shoes and jacket before climbing this beast.

After checking couple of youtube videos I thought how hard could it be ?
- Trek start at 10 PM night
- You trek for 7 hour straight with 5-10 minute breaks each hour.
- At 2500m the last checkpoint, vegetation does not grow above it, its pure stone after that till 3200m height.
- You have to hold the rocks with your hands and climb up with legs, almost like crawling to reach to the top.
- at night nothing is visible, you even dont know how high you are, only the sound noise makes it scary.
- Once at top if you have that endurance and stamina, you can than have to walk in a very very narrow ridge for 500 meter to see the crater (I dint do that, too scared of heights)
- at 7 AM we started descending
- the climb down was not as scary as I thought it would be while climbing up
- but its more gruesome, need 2x effort than climbing up
- My knees started hurting
- I slipped multiple times in those steep descends
- One bad slip can be fatal at some situations, was very very scared to slip

If you are planning to go :

- Dont underestimate the sleep you will miss if you do the night trek (its mentally exhausting)
- Carry very very good quality trekking shoes (heavy grip)
- wear full length trek pants (leeches on the way)
- carry a very good jacket for the top
- carry extra pair of TShirt (My old tshirt was drenched in sweat)


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