150 Attack | Pirc Defense Opening Theory

Описание к видео 150 Attack | Pirc Defense Opening Theory

The 150 Attack is a very aggressive setup you can use to battle the Pirc.

For an introduction to the Pirc, watch this video on the basics, plans and variations for both sides:    • Pirc Defense | Ideas, Principles and ...  

The attack was named after the English rating system (in which 150 is around 1800) to mock the opening. It was meant to say that only 1800 players would be as naive as to expect a quick mate with a setup like this.

The setup is Be3 and Qd2, similar to what you can play against dragon sicilians and the King’s Indian. White goes for a straightforward kingside onslaught with 0-0-0, Be3, Qd2, f3, g4, h4, h5! His play is easy and it puts black under tremendous pressure.

The most important thing about the 150 Attack is that it avoids the main setup black would like to achieve in the Pirc Defense. Black can’t play Bg7, 0-0 easily because there is always a threat of Bh6, trading off black’s main kingside defender and significantly improving the attacking prospects for white.

There are other ways for white to play, but the best, most aggressive and most effective way is indeed to go for queenside castling and attacking as soon as possible. Black tries to parry this idea by delaying the development of his bishop to g7 (thus making Bh6 a weak move), and by playing c6, b5 and expanding on the queenside, preparing to attack white’s king if it ever seeks refuge there.

The engines prefer white in almost all lines of the 150 Attack, perhaps even too much, and they seem biased towards white’s extra space and better piece activity.

The bottom line is that the opening is much easier to play for white than it is for black, hence making white much less likely to blunder. It’s always easier to attack than to defend. Black has to deal with two things; he has to develop and break open the center in the normal Pirc hyper-modern fashion, but he also has to be constantly cautious of white’s kingside pawn advance which could be devastating in a matter of moves.

A great way to battle the Pirc!

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