Top 10 Best Modern Horizons 3 Cards for Timeless | Magic Arena

Описание к видео Top 10 Best Modern Horizons 3 Cards for Timeless | Magic Arena

Excited for "Timeless 2.0" after Modern Horizons 3 launches in Magic Arena?

Dive into the Top 10 best MH3 cards for Timeless that are sure to shake up the format and shape the new metagame!

Magic The Gathering
Magic Arena
Timeless Format
Magic Arena Timeless Decks
Modern Horizons 3 Best Cards

#mtg #magicthegathering #magicarena #timeless #tcg #modernhorizons3 #modern #legacy #vintage #flareofdenial #primalprayers #dredge #phoenix #fury #grief #evoke #psychicfrog #naduwinged wisdom


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