Why chosen ones are being labeled as crazy people |Unique qualities of chosen ones

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Why chosen ones are being labeled as crazy people |Unique qualities of chosen ones
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Hallo beautiful lovely star seeds, welcome to another video. In the modern society, most People want to see the worst version of you. they will be happy if you will keep on failing, although they might console you with some fake words. And this is the harsh truth. But the moment you will start improving yourself, keep on achieving new targets ,start doing better then people start hating you or become jealous of you. So, ignore all these stuffs in order to be a better version of yourself, because they will also be there when you will become successful. but they may not be there when you are at your worst level. This same people are the people who will label you crazy for being more highly intelligent, spiritually woke, a star seed, chosen and unique. most chosen people who truly know and innerstands what is going-on in the society are labelled as crazy. They are called all sorts of names, conspiracy theorists, crazy or someone’s who is lacking understanding. This is not because chosen ones don’t overstand what is truly going in our world today, but because most people have not yet reached their level of overstanding most things that are going-on nowadays. I always believe that, people who don’t reach your level of understanding will always call you crazy, weirdo or alien from another galaxy. Listen, let me tell you this critical fact, people who rhyme with your level of energy, frequency and vibration will always innerstand and overstand you, even without you speaking to them. Are you one of the black sheep in the family that are always being labelled as being crazy or weirdo. Then, it is time you know that you are in a different wave length. And no matter what you try to do to help other innertsand the truth in this world today, you will always be labeled as crazy. It just doesn’t matter how much you try to help them. Until they start to work on themselves and start raising their level of energy and vibration, you will be called crazy. Most people don’t like to do their researches before start calling other people crazy and all sorts of names. The worst part of it is that, they are not even ready to ask questions due to their laziness. All they have time for is to label people as being crazy, who spend most of their time on various researches. If someone is a true seeker of truth in this world of deception, then they will absolutely have no time to call others crazy. People use the word crazy a lot, but usually to describe something or someone different, unusual, or even outrageous, chosen and unique. If you are outstanding and highly intelligent than your families and friends, then you will definitely not fit in with other peoples mediocrity. Aristotle once said, “No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.” And to you all chosen ones, here is what Steve jobs has as a message to you all. to the crazy ones. The misfits, The rebels. The troublemakers, The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.


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