SEDTalks 2024 - Asia Vighi "Rewiring Natural Networks"

Описание к видео SEDTalks 2024 - Asia Vighi "Rewiring Natural Networks"

Asia Vighi
Bioengineering, Ph.D. candidate
Supervisor: Prof. Codruta Ignea, Ph.D.

Title: Rewiring Natural Networks: Precision Fermentation for Sustainable Drug Production

Tanshinone IIA (TIIA) is a specialized metabolite of the red sage plant that shows great promise in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, the compound is naturally produced in such low quantities that widespread use is not yet possible. Asia is engineering a platform for TIIA production by genetically rewiring yeast metabolic pathways. With a scalable TIIA-producing yeast strain, sustainable and affordable access to the compound could allow for widescale treatment of cardiovascular disease.

TISED mobilizes knowledge to educate and influence public policy around sustainability working with McGill University's engineers, architects, and planners. TISED promotes bold and green ideas through education, outreach, and research, where we aim to connect our institution with the public for a greater understanding of sustainability issues in our society.



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