How to translate WP Crowdfunding plugin with Loco Translate?

Описание к видео How to translate WP Crowdfunding plugin with Loco Translate?

In this age of globalization, it is indispensable to have a multilingual site. It’s hardly possible for you to go global by limiting your website to a certain language. Of course English would cover a majority of the visitors. What about other people who don’t speak English? There is plenty of website traffic which you are losing every day since your website is not any language other than English. The idea of translating your website comes in here. As your website is on the most popular WordPress platform, you can translate a WordPress theme easier than other non WordPress users. Today we will show you how to translate WordPress themes and plugins with Loco translate plugin.

Here I show you how to translate WP Crowdfunding Plugin text strings by Loco Translate plugin.


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