Punish 1.d4 With The King's Indian Defense [Key ATTACKING Ideas]

Описание к видео Punish 1.d4 With The King's Indian Defense [Key ATTACKING Ideas]

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🔹 King's Indian Defense Mysterious Sideline -    • Beat 1.d4 as Black with the King's In...  

♛ Find the variations shown in the video in this blog-post - https://chess-teacher.com/kings-india...

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares the top 5 best chess opening traps from the King's Indian Defense, which arises after the following moves: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6. The King's Indian Defense is one of the most popular and solid chess openings for Black against 1.d4.

Black fianchettoes their kingside bishop with g6-Bg7, allowing White to control the center with their pawns, and then aims to attack them. The main idea for Black is to target the d4-pawn, and there are plenty of ways to achieve that.

Black can develop their queenside knight to c6, targeting the d4-pawn. They can play Bg4, pinning White's knight that defends the pawn, or even go for the central pawn break by playing e5 at some point.

In addition to learning the opening traps, you will learn the key ideas of this opening, common attacking patterns, and common opening mistakes by White and how to punish them.

Most importantly, you will learn these across different variations of the King's Indian Defense, including the Normal variation, Orthodox variation, Four Pawns Attack, Samisch variation, and Makogonov variation.

► Chapters

00:00 Best Chess Opening Traps in the King's Indian Defense For Black
00:12 Trap-1
02:50 Trap-2
04:40 Trap-3 (for advanced players)
07:40 Trap-4 (Sämisch Variation)
09:08 Trap-5 (Four Pawns Attack)

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