The 10 LEVELS of Switch Axe (スラッシュアックス) - MH World: Iceborne - A Quick Advanced Combo Guide

Описание к видео The 10 LEVELS of Switch Axe (スラッシュアックス) - MH World: Iceborne - A Quick Advanced Combo Guide

⏱️ Timestamps:
▶️ Intro
The 10 LEVELS of Switch Axe (0:00)

⏭️ Level 1
Chained Swing + Evade (0:10)
Chained Swing + Fade Slash (0:18)

⏭️ Level 2
Slash Dunk + Chained Swing (0:26)

⏭️ Level 3
Fade Slash + Slinger Burst (0:35)
Swing + Slinger Burst (0:39)

⏭️ Level 4
Loop Fade Slash / Swing + Slinger Burst (0:46)

⏭️ Level 5
Backhop Mid Sword Combo (1:14)
Chained Sword Combo + Claw Shot Zero Sum Discharge / ZSD (1:24)

⏭️ Level 6
Opening ZSD (1:44)
Riding ZSD (2:01)
Cancelling ZSD (2:10)

⏭️ Level 7
Sweet Spot ZSD (2:18)

⏭️ Level 8
Aerial ZSD (3:21)

⏭️ Level 9
Aerial Sweet Spot ZSD (4:05)

⏭️ Level 10
Unga Bunga SWAX / Switch Axe Goes Brrrrr!!!! (4:30)

⏯️ Level 11
How to Switch Axe (6:25)
Keep your Switch Axe Powered (6:32)
Switch Axe Playstyle ZSD Spam (6:42)
Mixing ZSD Playstyle with Sword Combo (7:07)
Mixing Switch Axe Combo Alternatively (7:26)
Switch Axe Positioning and Evading (8:45)

✔️ Use Mantle for Safe ZSD Switch Axe (9:04)
🌟 Brave ZSD Switch Axe (9:25)
⏹️ Closing (9:45)

Big Thanks to:
➡️妖刀MagicSword TDS (Team Darkside). Thx 4 your epic opening 🐱.
妖刀MagicSword's Twitter:

➡️Deaga. Thx 4 your Kulve Taroth 'n Legiana runs.
Deaga's channel:
   / deasdfga  
Deaga's Twitter:
  / deagadh  

🙇‍♂️ だるまゆき. Thx 4 your Tigrex run!!!
だるまゆき's channel:
   / @だるまゆき-e4z  
だるまゆき's Twitter:
  / s6gxooxlihe1hsl  

🎵 BGM Persona 5 - Camping Trip

👣Don't forget to check other 10 Levels of MHW Iceborne WEAPONS video series.
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➡️Gunlance :
   • The 10 LEVELS of Gunlance (ガンランス) MH ...  
➡️Dual Blades:
   • The 10 LEVELS of Dual Blades (双剣) Mon...  
➡️Long Sword :
   • The 10 LEVELS of Long Sword (太刀) Exte...  
➡️Lance :
   • The 10 LEVELS of Lance (ランス) Monster ...  
   • 10 LEVELS of Hammer: Monster Hunter W...  


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#MonsterHunter #Iceborne #SwitchAxe


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