MSB at the White House Egg Roll

Описание к видео MSB at the White House Egg Roll

The White House graciously invited the MSB Outreach community to attend the Egg Roll at the White House (sensory session) event. Our families had so much fun and got to experience a great family event.

Transcript from video:
*Thank you from the Maryland School for the Blind
*Various images of students at the White House
On behalf of our Maryland School for the Blind Outreach community of students and families
*Thank you! Our students had a great time at the White House Egg Roll (sensory session)
*These inclusive opportunities show our students, our families, and our communities that students with disabilities belong everywhere... even at the White House!
*From a parent, "Thank you so much for the opportunity! My family had an amazing time at the White House Easter Egg Roll event yesterday despite the weather. Everyone was incredibly friendly and helpful, and the sensory friendly environment made it so much easier for us and other families to enjoy the great atmosphere with fewer crowds. This was truly a dream activity for my family. Thank you!'
*"Thank you for the tickets... I had a good time"
*From the Maryland School for the Blind, Thank you! See Beyond


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