LNER Azuma VS ScotRail Inter7 City - 1st Class (Inverness to Edinburgh)

Описание к видео LNER Azuma VS ScotRail Inter7 City - 1st Class (Inverness to Edinburgh)

LNER azuma First class or ScotRail Inter 7 City 1st class which is better? in this LNER first class vs Scot Rail first class tripreport we aim to find out. Unlike most lner first class tripreport i want to find out which is best when put up again the competition.

on the inverness to edinbugh waverley line the two main first class products have been lner azuma first class & scotrail's inter city first class. inverness rail to Edinburgh Waverley station is one of the most important rail links in Scotland for business and tourism.

Today we wanted to see if scotrail's inter 7 city onboard service can match up to lner azuma onboard . Each day there is one lner azuma inverness service so we are taking the Azuma down from inverness to Edinburgh station and then turning around and taking scotrail inter7city first class back up to Inverness from Edinburgh Waverley.


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