Abandoned time capsule mill (part 3), Robert Fletchers - full explore

Описание к видео Abandoned time capsule mill (part 3), Robert Fletchers - full explore

One of my favourite explores ever. Explored in 2022, the mill, in Greenfield Nr Oldham opened in 1921 and specialised in producing cigarette paper, employing over 1000 people at its height. Unfortunately the mills techniques and machines became outdated in the 1980’s and this former family business dating back to the 1800’s (with its sister mill) was sold to a national company. A modern larger paper rolling machine was added to the two older machines in 1996, but one day in 2001 with the company struggling in debt, the workers were sent home early whilst new investment was investigated. The investment never materialised and the workers never returned, leaving the mill exactly as they’d left mid shift. The mill has laid untouched to this day, a time capsule from 2001.
There are plans for housing on the site, but the huge decontamination and associated cost of a site heavily reliant on chemicals casts a shadow over this. Parts 1 and 2 are also available.


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