Limestone, River Rock and Ledgestone Stone Veneers from StoneSelex

Описание к видео Limestone, River Rock and Ledgestone Stone Veneers from StoneSelex

Stone Selex specializes in wall stone veneers such as Limestone, River rock and Ledgestone. Paint is not the only medium to decorate your walls. When its texture you want, try a faux stone veneer or brick. It's a project even the do it yourself decorator can do. All you need is a little imagination and one of our wall stone veneer products.

Recap of the video:

00:06 Limestone Wall Stone, Exterior Home Stone Veneer Accents

00:14 Limestone Wall Stone, Interior Home Stone Wall Panels

00:21 Limestone Wall Stone, Exterior Home Stone Veneer Siding

00:29 River Rock Wall Stone, Exterior Home Stone Wall Cladding

00:36 River Rock Wall Stone, Interior Home Stone Panels

00:44 River Rock Wall Stone, Accent Home Wall Stone Cladding

00:52 Country Ledge Stone, Exterior Home Stone Veneer Siding

00:59 Country Ledge Stone, Exterior Home Stone Veneer Accent

00:52 Country Ledge Stone, Interior Home Stone Veneer Fireplace Accent


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