Volleyball Net Size, Height And Mounting Guide

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Volleyball Net Size, Height And Mounting Guide:

Volleyball sport has variations and so is the volleyball net height. The original volleyball net height when it was invented in 1800 by William G Morgan was 6 feet 6 inches. During the 1800s, only men used to play volleyball but as time passed women had equal participation in it, and then a standard change in the net height of the volleyball was encountered.

The height of the men's volleyball net was around 8 feet and the women's volleyball had a net height of 7.5 feet or 7 feet 4/8 inches to be approximate.

Volleyball Net Height For Men:

Before men start to play volleyball indoors, unless played casually, must know about volleyball net height specifically for men. The rules have been set that distinguish the volleyball net height for men from women. Before days the standard height for the volleyball net was 6 feet 6 inches and that was the time when women has no such participation in volleyball.

But as gradually the circumstances have changed the participation of women in volleyball has increased, therefore the standard net height of Volleyball for men and women has been distinguished.

If you want to know the approximate height of the Volleyball net for men, then it is 7 feet,11 5/8inch sums up to 8 feet nearby. When played professionally either for the district, state, city, or country this is the standard volleyball net height maintained all over, especially for the indoors.

But when played outside on the beach the volleyball net height differs, which we will learn in the following sections.

Besides the categorization based on gender, the volleyball net height for men also has its internal categorization which is based upon age. The volleyball net height for boys is not the same for adults and kids. Till the age of 54, the standard net height is maintained and then it reduces by a few inches.

Volleyball Net Height For Women.

Unlike volleyball net height for men, the standard volleyball net height for women is 7 feet 4 1/8 inches which are subjected to modification with the age of the players. The girls of High School, women of college, women in the Olympics share the standard volleyball net height.

To be more clear, the women from age 15to44 maintain the usual height of 7 feet and 4 1/8 inches, but the ones who cross this parameter have their volleyball net height reduced by a few inches.

To be specific enough, women of age 45 and below 59 play volleyball the net height of which is 7 feet 2 1/8 inches, and the women who have crossed age 60 are placed on the volleyball net which is at the height of 7 feet and 2.13 m in the metric system.

As the volleyball net height for men is arranged, likewise the volleyball net height for women is too arranged for the women as well so they could play with convenience.


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