Road to Popeye's Fall Classic 2017 - It Begins!

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I have been holding off before deciding to let everyone know about a new show I plan on going into in about a month. Partially because I was not sure myself if I was going to enter it or not? Well I have decided to go for it even though it's only about a month away. The show is the Popeye's Fall Classic 2017 being held in Richmond BC on November 19th 2017.

This show for me is all about having fun, my last show the Canadian Nationals was kind of stressful as I had my 1st place title to try and hold onto and also that Pro Card dangling in front of me. The Popeye's Fall Classic is not a qualified show so I can enter pretty much any class I want to, so why not go in Open and compete with the young bucks. I even have plans to give Classic Physique a shot, why not, it's only an additional $50 and it's all for fun!

In prep for the Popeye's Fall Classic I have been on a slow bulk and I'm currently hovering around 204 pounds which is heavy for me, the good news is I'm not all that fat and feeling stronger than ever so there is some new muscle I hope to take with me to the stage which will help a lot in Classic Physique for sure!

I do have my work cut out for me heading into the Popeye's Fall Classic as I need to lose about 5-8 pounds of fat and keep the muscle I have been working hard to gain and I only have about 4.5 weeks to do it in...

Popeye's Fall Classic 2017:
  / popeyesfallclassic  

  / michael.kaye.gfo40  
  / getfitoverforty  


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