Today’s Unexpected Opportunities for Freelance Email Writers | Inside AWAI

Описание к видео Today’s Unexpected Opportunities for Freelance Email Writers | Inside AWAI

If you're just starting your freelance writing career … or you're looking for well-paying projects clients need now … look no further than the big variety of projects available to writers who can write a simple email.

In this episode of Inside AWAI: Today’s Unexpected Opportunities for Email Writers, Guillermo Rubio, one of today's top copywriters and email experts, joined Pam Foster to explain why email remains the #1 marketing channel for businesses, how it works, and how you can take full advantage of it. They covered:

- Why email writing is a bigger opportunity than you ever imagined …
- The types of emails all companies need (and may not be getting the results they want) …
- What you can do to help companies, and what you can earn …
- Inside tips and secrets that will have clients seeing you as an email genius …
- AND, how to get started, so you can start getting paid!

You’ll see examples of each email type companies use, and understand exactly why they’re important (and why you’re needed as a smart email writer). As always, be sure to watch the entire presentation so you don’t miss the QA discussion at the end. If you’d like to be part of our live audience for upcoming Inside AWAI sessions presented free each month, go to this page to register for session notices:


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