《紅塵菩提》Bodhi in the Mortal World | 七彩室内樂團 Colours Ensemble

Описание к видео 《紅塵菩提》Bodhi in the Mortal World | 七彩室内樂團 Colours Ensemble



演奏/ 七彩室內樂團

二胡/ 伍瓘頤
笛子/ 戴妏依
琵琶/ 李凱煌
揚琴/ 王曉舜
中阮/ 余芷瑩
大提琴/ 林凱玄



Composed by Sun-PeiLi

2023/04/15 - A Tale of Colours

Performed by Colours Ensemble

Erhu: Shiru Ng
Dizi: Thye Wen Yi
Pipa: Lee Kai Huang
Yangqin: Alvin Ong
Zhongruan: Yee Zhi Ying
Cello: Lim Khai Xian

The song portrayed an old man with a dragon tattoo on his arm holding a tape recorder that repeatedly plays "Namo Amitabha", a Buddhist chant. The exposition section of "Hong Chen Pu Ti" painted a motif that persistently appears in various voicings, symbolising the boundless reach of Buddha Dharma in the Buddhist religion.

The development section captivates the audiences on a spiritual journey to a western paradise, while still being trailed by the main motif. The piece concludes with a reprisal of the main motif, representing the cycle of life in the human world.

#七彩室內樂團 #ColoursEnsemble #柒語 #ATaleofColours #紅塵菩提 #BodhiInTheMortalWorld


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