Gemboard | Gemini API Developer Competition

Описание к видео Gemboard | Gemini API Developer Competition

Gemboard helps users visualize thoughts flexibly with an infinite canvas and zoom tools, while AI features enhance labeling, brainstorming, summarizing, and communication of complex topics

- Infinite Canvas: Gemboard provides a limitless canvas, enabling users to arrange and link cells freely without worrying about boundaries.

- Zoom and Pan: Users can zoom with pinch gestures or the mouse wheel and pan by dragging, allowing them to focus on specific areas or view their entire work.

- Variety of Cell Types:
- Editable: Simple text notes.
- Brainstorming: Prompts from the Gemini API to spark idea generation.
- Images: Drag-and-drop functionality for images.
- Articles Insert web content or create rich content.
- URLs: Paste links to fetch website previews.

- Connecting Cells: Users can visually link cells with edges, representing relationships between concepts.

- AI-Powered Features:
- Auto-labeling Edges: The Gemini API analyzes cell content to generate relevant edge labels.
- Brainstorming Suggestions: Insightful questions or ideas are generated to deepen exploration.
- Content Summarization: Summaries of articles, text, and images are provided by the Gemini API.
- Chat with Selected Cells: The API generates responses based on the content of selected cells, fostering discussions.
Download link: (Github repo: definev/gemboard_release)
Webapp (WASM): (experimental)

#geminicompetition #buildwithgemini


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