That Sacred Aloneness Is the End of Loneliness!

Описание к видео That Sacred Aloneness Is the End of Loneliness!

‘Aloneness’ in the mystical language is quite different from loneliness. It is the Aloneness of ‘That which is One without a second’. It is blissful and totally fulfilling. It is the experience that there is no ‘other’. Nothing is separate from you. In that Aloneness there is no loneliness. You can call it Communion, Presence, Intimacy. It is the Sacredness. When you go into samadhi, described by Patanjali, there is only That Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Bliss. There are no ‘two’— no ‘seer’ and no ‘seen’. It is one unique Reality. You can be alone physically, socially, and yet be connected with the entire universe. There is deep intimacy with each and everyone. When you experience that Aloneness, loneliness will never appear again. That sacred Aloneness is the end of loneliness.

Swami Atmananda Udasin is a teacher of Advaita (Non-duality) and the Spiritual Head of Ajatananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India. This video is an extract from a retreat given at the ashram on October 23, 2018.


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