OpenGL Real-Time Procedural Planet Rendering

Описание к видео OpenGL Real-Time Procedural Planet Rendering

Update, 2017-02-26:

To everyone who has been trying to get in touch with me.

I appreciate the kind words and interest in my work. However, I have stopped using the email address shown in this video.

By popular demand, I have decided to release the source code for this application. It's not the most sophisticated code, but hopefully it can be of some use to you.

Source code and exe:

Note: Provided "as is". I think there might be a bug in the GPU noise permutation table lookup (which I fixed in later projects).


Real-time procedural planets implemented in C++/OpenGL with GLFW and GLee for the course Procedural Methods for Images (TNM084), fall 2010 at Linköping University.

The application uses quadtrees for LOD, and generates terrain using the ridged multifractal algorithm on both CPU and GPU (in a GLSL shader).

Everything you see is procedurally generated, and the total size of the application is only 0.7 MB.

Music: Ecolove by Stéphane Picq and Philippe Ulrich (Dune, 1992)


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