Ms. Oklahoma Senior America Discusses Pageant On The Porch

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The Ms. Oklahoma Senior America Pageant is just days away. 2023 Ms. Oklahoma Senior America Karen Tims joined News 9 on the Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages Porch to discuss the impact of the pageant.

“It’s all about advancing senior women,” Tims said. “We call it the age of elegance. We are wanting to show off our talents that we still have. We’re still valid and valuable and this presents how we are still beneficial in the world even though we are over 60.”

There will be 15 contestants competing this year. They will compete in many categories, including philosophy of life, evening gowns, an interview with judges and a talent portion.

“My talent was a speech. I had written on bending time because time seems to be flying by the older we get, and how can we possibly slow down time?” Tims said. “We cannot change time, but you can do some things, like making radical changes in your life, causes time to seem to go by slower.”


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