Fatal Frame 2/Project Zero 2 ALL ENDINGS (best possible quality) + how to get them

Описание к видео Fatal Frame 2/Project Zero 2 ALL ENDINGS (best possible quality) + how to get them

Using dolphin at 1440P this is the best possible quality these pre renders can be seen, includes all 5+1 endings.

How to get each ending:

Long Road Home: Go straight through the passageway in Kureha Shrine without chasing Mayu in the Final Chapter OR Unlocked after clearing the game at least once

Crimson Butterfly Ending: Defeat the Bound Man in the Final Chapter in over a minute without having seen the scenes in Chapter 8

Promise Ending: Don't watch the scenes in Chapter 8 and defeat the Bound Man in the Final Chapter in less than a minute

Shadow Ritual Ending: See all scenes in Chapter 8 and take longer than five minutes to defeat the Bound Man

Frozen Butterfly: See all scenes in Chapter 8 and defeat Girl in Bloody Kimono in more than two minutes

The Abyss Ending: See all scenes in Chapter 8 and defeat Girl in Bloody Kimono in Dark Return with a Fatal Frame shot.


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