Nauvoo Illinois Temple & Historic Nauvoo slide show by a camera on a Spring day on May 16, 2018

Описание к видео Nauvoo Illinois Temple & Historic Nauvoo slide show by a camera on a Spring day on May 16, 2018

he Nauvoo Illinois Temple was announced on April 4, 1999. The Groundbreaking and site dedication was performed on October 24, 1999, by the late Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. The public open house of the Nauvoo Temple was from May 6th through June 22, 2022. The Nauvoo Temple is built on 3.3 acres of land. The exterior finish of the Nauvoo Illinois Temple is Limestone block that was quarried in Russellville, Alabama. The temple has a single attached end tower with a painted gold-leafed Angel Moroni Statue. The Nauvoo Temple has four construction rooms: four-stage progressive, six sealing rooms, and one baptistry. The total square feet of the Nauvoo Temple is 54,000. This temple was designed from the earlier temple destroyed by fire in 1848. The Nauvoo Illinois Temple has a Basement where it has the baptistry; the first floor has a foyer, a recommend desk, and two assembly rooms. The second floor has administrative offices and patron dressing rooms. The third floor has a celestial room, four instruction rooms, a waiting chapel, and four sealing rooms. The fourth floor has sealing waiting rooms and ordinance worker dressing rooms. The fifth floor has two sealing rooms. Throughout the Temple, you will see hardwood floors with rugs and other furniture to fit the era of the original Temple. As a historic site and a place of worship, the Nauvoo Illinois Temple and Historic Nauvoo offer visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the early days of Nauvoo, Illinois. The Nauvoo Illinois Temple is one of the many temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was built in the late 1990s and dedicated in June 2002. The temple is on a prominent hill overlooking the Mississippi River, and its beautiful white spire can be seen from miles away. Visitors to the temple are welcome to tour the grounds, which include a visitors' center, a beautiful garden, and a replica of the original Nauvoo Temple. The visitors' center provides information about the temple and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a bookstore where visitors can purchase books, music, and other materials related to the temple and the Church. Historic Nauvoo is a restored 19th-century village once the center of the Latter-day Saint community. The village includes several historic homes, shops, and other buildings restored to their original condition. Visitors can take guided village tours, attend live theater productions, and participate in hands-on activities that help them learn about life in early Nauvoo. One of the most popular attractions in Historic Nauvoo is the Nauvoo Pageant. This live outdoor production tells the story of the early Latter-day Saint pioneers who settled in Nauvoo. The pageant includes music, dance, and drama and is performed in an outdoor amphitheater each summer. Another popular attraction in Historic Nauvoo is the Smith Family Cemetery, where members of the Smith family, including Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are buried. Visitors can also tour the Joseph Smith Historic Site, which includes the home where Joseph Smith lived and worked, as well as several other historic buildings. In addition to the Nauvoo Illinois Temple and Historic Nauvoo, visitors to Nauvoo can also enjoy a variety of other activities, including hiking, boating, fishing, and golfing. The nearby Mississippi River provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation, and the town of Nauvoo is home to several restaurants, shops, and other attractions. Overall, the Nauvoo Illinois Temple and Historic Nauvoo offer visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the early days of Nauvoo. Whether you are a member of the Church or simply interested in history and culture, a visit to Nauvoo is sure to be a memorable experience. So why not plan your visit today? The late Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley said of this temple, "Today, facing west, on the high bluff overlooking the city of Nauvoo, thence across the Mississippi, and over the plains of Iowa, there stands Joseph’s temple, a magnificent house of God. Here in the Salt Lake Valley, facing east to that beautiful temple in Nauvoo, stands Brigham’s temple, the Salt Lake Temple. They look toward one another as bookends between which there are volumes that speak of the suffering, the sorrow, the sacrifice, even the deaths of thousands who made the long journey from the Mississippi River to the valley of the Great Salt Lake."The baptismal font is a near replica of the original one but they did add fiberglass lining to prevent wear and tare on the limestone. Twelve oxen still support the font. The Nauvoo Temple has a total of 138 windows.

Nauvoo Illinois Temple, Nauvoo Temple, Nauvoo Illinois LDS Temple, Nauvoo LDS Temple, Nauvoo Illinois Mormon Temple, Nauvoo Mormon Temple, Temple Scoop, LDS Temple, LDS Temple Mormon


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