বর্ধমানের মিহিদানার গল্প জানেন !জেনে নিন| Burdwan special Mihidana famous in Heritage Sweet of India

Описание к видео বর্ধমানের মিহিদানার গল্প জানেন !জেনে নিন| Burdwan special Mihidana famous in Heritage Sweet of India

What are the main things that connect people to Burdwan? Uumm...for foodies the answers are may be Mihidana and Sitabhog. Burdwan, just 90 km away from Kolkata, is famous for Mihidan and Sitabhog. These two sweets are remarkably good in Burdwan. One of popular sweet shop in Burdwan "Ganesh Sweets" presents the making of mihidana for Hangla TV.

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