Rusty Quill Gaming

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Join Alex, Ben, Bryn, Helen and Lydia as they wait with bated breath for Eren Fairhands to work his magic. In the sanctuary which is the Temple of Aphrodite, it's heals for everyone! Even Sasha...?! The party then returns the heart to the vault before heading to the Tahan family home. Plans are made and the L.O.L.O.M.G. prepare for the next stage in their quest.

Thanks to this week's Patrons; Phil Catterall, Seb Wake, Graham Knight, Bradley Renshaw, Cailyn Toomey, Hilary Merline, Ben Plopper, Crowbi, Calacatia, Plunder Duck, Robbie Lyons.

Editing this week by Ed von Aderkas, Ian Hayles & Alexander J Newall SFX this week by previously credited artists via

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