Botox and Injectable Fillers: Qualifications To Perform Injections

Описание к видео Botox and Injectable Fillers: Qualifications To Perform Injections

Botox and Injectable Fillers: Qualifications To Perform Injections | Aesthetic Surgical Images

The number of patients undergoing treatment with injectable fillers and Botox seems to be increasing on a day-to-day basis. It's probably appropriate to ask the question, who's qualified to perform these types of procedures.

The operative word here is qualified. If qualified means licensed then a lot of medical practitioners should be able to perform these procedures. These might include licensing practical nurses, registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians assistants, and a variety of physicians including plastic surgeons, cosmetic dermatologists, family practice doctors, and even radiologists.

We find, however, that a lot of people who are performing these procedures aren't really qualified. They've had inadequate training. In some cases, in the case of non-physicians, they're inadequately supervised.

We feel this is especially true at medical spas where practitioners are supervised in name only. We feel that licensure is just a starting point. We feel that individuals who perform these procedures should have expertise in facial anatomy, the facial animation process, the aging process, how these materials are handled biologically within your body, and an understanding of the alternatives that are available for facial aging. In other words, we don't want to be that person who has a hammer so the whole world becomes a nail.

In our experience, individuals who are trained in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dermatology, and oculoplastic surgery, have the necessary training to perform these procedures. It's important that any individual who is considering these types of procedures look at their provider's qualifications, their experience, and their certification. After all, not everyone who performs these procedures is equally qualified. There's no question that the individual's qualifications will correlate with the result that you ultimately obtain.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation, fill out the contact form on this page - - or call (402) 390-0100 / (402) 644-7132.

8900 West Dodge Road, Omaha, NE 68114
Columbus Health Park. 4508 38th Street #120, Columbus, NE 68601
2501 Lakeridge Drive. Suite 100, Norfolk, NE 68701


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