Persian Poem: Saadi Shirazi - Humanity - with English translation - آدمیت - شعر فارسي - سعدی شیرازی

Описание к видео Persian Poem: Saadi Shirazi - Humanity - with English translation - آدمیت - شعر فارسي - سعدی شیرازی

Persian (Farsi) poem with English Translation

تن آدمی شریف است به جان آدمیت
نه همین لباس زیباست نشان آدمیت
اگر آدمی به چشم است و دهان و گوش و بینی
چه میان نقش دیوار و میان آدمیت
خور و خواب و خشم و شهوت شغب است و جهل و ظلمت
حیوان خبر ندارد ز جهان آدمیت
به حقیقت آدمی باش وگرنه مرغ باشد
که همین سخن بگوید به زبان آدمیت
مگر آدمی نبودی که اسیر دیو ماندی
که فرشته ره ندارد به مکان آدمیت
اگر این درنده‌خویی ز طبیعتت بمیرد
همه عمر زنده باشی به روان آدمیت
رسد آدمی به جایی که به جز خدا نبیند
بنگر که تا چه حد است مکان آدمیت
طیران مرغ دیدی تو ز پای‌بند شهوت
به در آی تا ببینی طیران آدمیت
نه بیان فضل کردم که نصیحت تو گفتم
هم از آدمی شنیدیم بیان آدمیت

The human body is honored to have the soul of humanity
This beautiful cloth is not the sign of humanity
If being human was about having eyes, mouth, ears, and nose
What is the difference between a wall pattern and humanity?
Gluttony, slumber, anger, and lust are the ignorance and darkness
The animal is not aware of the world of humanity
Live with the reality of humanity or be like a bird
For it is this bird that speaks the language of humanity
But you are not a human, if you are a captive of the beast
For angels do not know the way to the nest of humanity
If this savagery dies out of your nature
You will live with human conscience for the rest of life
The human reaches a place where it sees nothing but God
Observe and see how vast the reach of humanity is
Did you see the bird's flight? O you, who is bound by lust
Get out, so you can see the flight of humanity
I did not express grace as I gave you this advice
We heard a description of humanity from a human being

Narration: Shaheed Khatibi #nowruz #farsi #poem

Abū-Muhammad Muslih al-Dīn bin Abdallāh Shīrāzī (Persian: ابومحمّد مصلح‌الدین بن عبدالله شیرازی‎), better known by his pen name Saadi (/ˈsɑːdi/;[3] Persian: سعدی‎, romanized: Also known as Sadi of Shiraz (سعدی شیرازی, Saʿdī Shīrāzī; born 1210; died 1291 or 1292), was a major Persian poet and prose writer of the medieval period. He is recognized for the quality of his writings and for the depth of his social and moral thoughts. Saadi is widely recognized as one of the greatest poets of the classical literary tradition, earning him the nickname "The Master of Speech" or "The Wordsmith" (استاد سخن ostâd-e sokhan) or simply "Master" (استاد ostâd) among Persian scholars. He has been quoted in the Western traditions as well. Bustan has been ranked as one of the 100 greatest books of all time by The Guardian.

Sa'di's best known works are Bustan (The Orchard) completed in 1257 and Gulistan (The Rose Garden) completed in 1258. Bustan is entirely in verse (epic metre). It consists of stories aptly illustrating the standard virtues recommended to Muslims (justice, liberality, modesty, contentment) and reflections on the behavior of dervishes and their ecstatic practices. Gulistan is mainly in prose and contains stories and personal anecdotes. The text is interspersed with a variety of short poems which contain aphorisms, advice, and humorous reflections, demonstrating Saadi's profound awareness of the absurdity of human existence. The fate of those who depend on the changeable moods of kings is contrasted with the freedom of the dervishes.
In addition to the Bustan and Gulistan, Saadi also wrote four books of love poems (ghazals), and number of longer mono-rhyme poems (qasidas) in both Persian and Arabic. There are also quatrains and short pieces, and some lesser works in prose and poetry. Together with Rumi and Hafez, he is considered one of the three greatest ghazal-writers of Persian poetry.


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