BDO | Scholar (275/278/336) | Marni Elvia Orc Camp | 17004 Trash (Yellow/No Agris)

Описание к видео BDO | Scholar (275/278/336) | Marni Elvia Orc Camp | 17004 Trash (Yellow/No Agris)

This is my second hour grinding on the class so this is super scuffed. There were times where I legit just auto'd because a skill was on cd or something lmao. Regardless though, class is very fun, but not enough to make me hard reroll off Woosa. Def will be my tag for now though.

I think I'm starting to see the potential with this class. Hotkeying the jump skill honestly really helped with mobility. Mana pot would prob make this class even more fun (or spirit perfume). Spacebar flow feels really nice to use practically on cd (sustain, good dmg, fun/cool factor). The F flow and Hammer Smash animations are hands down my favorite skill animations in the game so far tho.

If you guys have any tips, feel free to drop them in the comments below. Def still learning this class and by no means should this video be used as any sort of guide or anything at all. I made it just so people could SORTA get an idea of how the class looks while ya know...actually grinding. Other videos I've seen atm kinda just has rotation loops on dummies and I found that kinda boring lol. Skip around in the video because the grinding I guess "style" def changes as I become more comfortable and try out a few different things.

And maybe I'll stop blowing up my gear and all of my silver and actually get back to 281 xd


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