Unedited US Kate Bush intervew from 1985 Part 1 of 5

Описание к видео Unedited US Kate Bush intervew from 1985 Part 1 of 5

This interview is very rough visual quality, but is one of the best, most relaxed interviews Kate has ever given on video - in marked contrast to the Night Flight interview shot the next day. The interviewer was obviously familar with her work, had seen all of her previous videos and seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say. Kate's body language is pretty obvious in that she leans forward when she is receptive to the interviewer and leans back when she's not enjoying the process - this video she's leaning forward so much that she's resting her chin on her hand during the latter part of the video.

I'm sorry the quality is so bad, but I've never seen a better quality copy. If you have a better one, I'd love to get a copy. I have a very large collection of Kate video and would be happy to arrange a trade.


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