Rant time: Anti-scanning app triggers! Proof "eScore" is fake! Much more! (Amazon Party Fridays)

Описание к видео Rant time: Anti-scanning app triggers! Proof "eScore" is fake! Much more! (Amazon Party Fridays)

Latest in a weekly series where I go live into Amazon seller Facebook groups, pick 5 questions from sellers, and answer each one - giving both useful Amazon advice, stirring up unnecessary drama, and being obnoxious.

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Key moments:

Why using scanning app triggers is a terrible idea: 00:00:36
How ScoutIQ eScore is fake: 00:02:45
Why Amazon selling competition doesn't matter: 00:06:09
Dealing with duplicate Amazon product pages: 00:08:48
Why you should avoid over-complicating your Amazon business: 00:12:07

Every week I pick 5 posts and give commentary falling into 5 categories:

1. Amazon Action Item: One item of specific actionable advice for your business
2. Drama Alert: Picking a controversial subject in the Amazon world and giving my unpopular opinion
3. Book analysis: Buy or pass? Reviewing Amazon FB group post with a scanning app screenshot and giving my "buy or pass" opinion.
4. A crazed rant: Picking one post that gets me fired up an going on an unhinged rant.
5. Life wisdom disguised as Amazon wisdom: Higher-level philosophical Amazon advice that can also be applied to your life outside Amazon.

More videos, articles, free stuff:

Free reports:
🡆10 Steps To Start An FBA Business: https://www.fbamastery.com/how-to-sta...
🡆 Book Sources guide: https://www.fbamastery.com/amazon-boo...

Access my free, on-demand webclasses:
🡆FBA Quickstart Training: https://www.fbamastery.com/how-to-sta...
🡆Top 5 Overlooked Book Sources class: https://www.fbamastery.com/where-to-f...
🡆FBA Pricing Strategy class: https://www.fbamastery.com/amazon-pri...

More in-depth courses on selling with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA):

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