
Описание к видео #Capsula

#Capsula - Dali's Face #SantaRosaAlbum #Capsulaband

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/69Y89H...

#capsulaband #capsula #cápsula #band #grupo #santarosa #santarosaalbum
#rocknroll #dali

iTunes: smarturl.it/SantaRosa_iTunes
Amazon: smarturl.it/SantaRosa_Amazon
Vinyl/CD: smarturl.it/Capsul_ViciousOnline


Cast: Carmen García.
Produced by: Juicy Fruits
Directed by: Aitor Gutiérrez (aitorgutierrez.com)
Director of photography: Jon Sangroniz
Production designer&costumes: Idoia Esteban
Focus puller: Aritz Bilbao
Clapper loader: Sandra Guevara
Electricians: Itxaso Beistegui, Jon Ruiz de Infante
Edited by Aitor Gutiérrez
Colorist: Jon Sangroniz
Sound assistant: Vicky LDG.
Thanks: Asier Gómez, K2000, Gabriel Gutiérrez, Ogeita4. Borja Califa, Jon Ibarra y los fantásticos cabezudos de Arrigorriaga. Ivan Zelicovich y HipStrap.


I'm a shadow, I'm an X-Ray
My heart is made of stone
And my eyes are already gone
In the cavern where you meet me
I've already drawn you
With a stone I keep under control

Until you see it well

Dali's face... In your face
Uh uh uh uh uh uh

Oigo ruidos, es tu voz
Una excusa vuela en Orión
White fangs, white fangs
Biting all night long
I don't where I just can go

Until you see it well

Dali's face ... in your face
Dali's face

Tengo un recuerdo del mar de Cadaqués
I have a dollar $ hanging from the wall
I smoke it, and I smell it, and I see it burn
My ashes in the bank where I'm always broke

Until you see it well
Dali's face... in your face
Dali's face


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