Sand Casting Sterling Silver Tutorial

Описание к видео Sand Casting Sterling Silver Tutorial

In this tutorial I show you sand casting sterling silver. Listed below are the tools and supplies needed and a few links to find them. Enjoy! Please like and subscribe!

What I do not discuss in this video is the detailed safety precautions required. A ventilator mask will inhibit my ability to speak to you in the video, and I have turned off my overhead venting system because it's loud. Please use your own discretion in safety as it applies metal smithing. Everyone has their own way of doing things, this is mine and it works great for me. Thank you for watching. I'm a very kind and compassionate person will to freely share my knowledge with you. If you know something I do not, please be kind it sharing it with me. Thanks and Love to all!

Casting sand or Petrobond

Eye Protection

Casting Flask


Scrap Silver
Heavy Hammer
Copper sheets the sixes your flask or something to hold the flask together

If you found this video helpful in any way, please hit the like and subscribe buttons. And if you'd like me to continue to provide you with content that gets better and better, consider buying me a coffee to support my channel. So much gratitude for you!


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