Online Lecture 4 (Marginal Costing) of Operational Approach to Financial Decision CAFM CS Executive

Описание к видео Online Lecture 4 (Marginal Costing) of Operational Approach to Financial Decision CAFM CS Executive

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This is Online Lecture 4 of Operational Approach to Financial Decision which is Chapter/lesson 19 of CS Executive Corporate Accounting and Financial Management (CAFM).

marginal costing cs executive,
cs executive marginal costing,
cafm marathon cs executive,
operational approach to financial decision cafm cs executive,
Nature and Scope of Costing,
Objectives of Costing,
Types of Costing,
Advantages of Costing,
Limitation of Costing,
Marginal Costing,
Need for Marginal Costing,
Features of Marginal Costing,
Ascertainment of Profit under Marginal Cost,
Advantages of Marginal Costing,
Breakeven Point,
Steps in Construction of Break-even Chart,
Assumption and Limitation of Breakeven Analysis,
Profit Volume Ratio,
Angle of Incidence,


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