Wilcox Fertility Andrology Laboratory

Описание к видео Wilcox Fertility Andrology Laboratory

This video will introduce you to our Andrology Lab where all male related tests are received and analyzed. This could be as a result of an ordered semen analysis where a semen sample is dropped off or collected in one of our private collection rooms. Additionally, a male may be providing a semen sample to be frozen for future use or being prepped for fertilization after egg retrieval or for use in an IUI.

Once our lab receives the collection, the first step is for the sample to go in the incubator for approximately 15 minutes where it liquifies and reduces viscosity for further analysis. Depending on what has been ordered (Semen analysis, IUI, freezing) a portion of the sample is places on slides and places under a microscope where it is analyzed for concentration and motility. Additionally, viscosity and volume of the sample is measured. If the sample was ordered as part of the semen analysis, further analyzation is done for morphology, volume, pH levels and viscosity. The following day, the slides are stained and further analyzed for morphology. Once the analysis is done, a report is sent to the ordering physician.


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