Описание к видео SUNSET SANDSTORM by Crohn44

Sunset Sandstorm is a legendary level. With its extremely difficult and unusual gameplay it is a very strong challenge against the skillsets of even the best players. Most likely inspired by the levels of KrmaL, this is no surprise. The decoration is also extremely original, developing through the level into something completely different at the end, taking the player on a journey. While I wouldn't recommend beating this level to many, I would certainly recommend watching it.

This video uses a new HDR format I am trying out, which could take a few days to process on YouTube's side (or just not process at all lol, that sometimes happens). We will see how it turns out, but it shouldn't make any difference to what people viewing on a non HDR capable monitor see.

Rating: 9/10

You are free to use my showcases in your videos for content etc, as long as you credit my channel in the description of the video and use it in a transformative way. (Do not just reupload the video without any changes)

Song "Outlaw" by Creo
   • Creo - Outlaw  


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