Why the LSAT is CRUCIAL & Tips for LSAT Success with LSAT Pro UCSF Law Alum Nathan Fox

Описание к видео Why the LSAT is CRUCIAL & Tips for LSAT Success with LSAT Pro UCSF Law Alum Nathan Fox

Join Judy the YouTube Lawyer (a former LSAT instructor and tutor for several companies) as she interviews Nathan Fox, an experienced LSAT pro who scored almost perfectly on the LSAT. Nathan Fox's LSAT tutoring business with Ben Olson is LSAT Demon, www.lsatdemon.com. He graduated from Hastings College of the Law (now UC San Francisco law) and co-produces a podcast and YouTube channels, Thinking LSAT and LSAT Demon. Judy the YouTube Lawyer also attended Hastings briefly, graduated from Georgetown law school, and has her own solo practice in North Carolina. We will discuss the importance of your LSAT score if you want to go to law school and our best tips for LSAT success! Live Q&A.

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