The Creative Process Step 1: Prepare Your Mind

Описание к видео The Creative Process Step 1: Prepare Your Mind

Welcome back to my Creative Process Series! Today we will be exploring ways to prepare your mind for creativity. A lot of people don’t realize how much courage and bravery is required of artists. We are faced with the task of expressing and creating for all the world, but what do we do with the fears and doubts that are involved in that process? Sometimes it feels as if you are the only one facing insecurities and anxiety, but in this video, we will talk about how natural those feelings are and how to stop those fears from keeping us from creating. We will explore 4 common creative blockers and how to combat them.

Here are my sources:

1. Motivation Quiz:
2. My saved Instagram posts are private, but you can follow me to see who I follow:   / misslinnealark  
3. Motivational Quotes:   / quotes  
4. Creativity books:
“Steal Like an Artist” by: Austin Leon
“Hegarty on Creativity” by: John Hegarty
“Creativity Take Courage” by: Irene Smith & Astrid Van Der Hulst
5. The “Field of Lights” by: Bruce Munro is still up, for all of 2019, in Paso Robles, California. I HIGHLY recommend it!

Miss Linnea Lark:
Facebook:   / misslinnealark  
Instagram:   / misslinnealark  
Pinterest:   / misslinnealark  


1. Soledad by: Flamingosis
  / soledad-1  

2. July/Cold by: ameba.
  / julycold  

3. Shoreline by: Rook1e
  / shoreline-w-frad  

4. Seaside by: Rook1e
  / side-by-side  

5. Roll Twice by: GurtyBeats
  / roll-twice  

6. I Like You by: Not The King.
  / i-like-you  

7. Summer Somewhere by: GurtyBeats
  / summer-sumwhere  

8. Love It by: Peter Kuli
  / love-it  

9. Good Times by: Workout Club
  / good-times  

10. Love is Free by: Glitch Nemesis
  / love-is-free  

#Creativity #CreativeProcess #CreativeBlock


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