Объект 704 - Снайпер в Кустах - World of Tanks

Описание к видео Объект 704 - Снайпер в Кустах - World of Tanks

Game Statistics:
Map: Fisherman's Bay
Tank: Object 704
Player: serega_zahvatchik_ [TTWIN]
Damage: 10146
Damage blocked by armor: 880
Damage due to the player’s assistance: 433

The Object 704 is a Soviet tier 9 tank destroyer.

Developed in 1945 on the basis of the IS-2 and IS-3 vehicles, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. One of the distinctive features was the slope angle of armor plates. Passed trials successfully, but never entered service.

A direct upgrade from the ISU-152, the Object 704 feels like an improvement in all aspects over its predecessor, save perhaps for top speed, enabling the player to do much more than what the ISU would normally allow. The first noticeable difference is the fact that the 704 has an even lower vertical profile. Therefore, your crew's top priority should be a maximized camouflage skill. This tank is incredibly difficult to spot when masked by terrain, and a crew proficient in camouflage will make it almost invisible, staying undetected and unspotted while unleashing a devastating salvo on clueless opponents who will have no idea where the shots are coming from. The devastating salvo is, of course, courtesy of your new top gun, the dreaded BL-10, which is a significant improvement over the previous top gun of the ISU-152. It has better accuracy, better aim-time and better rate of fire.

The Object 704 leads to the Object 268.

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