What Mobile Suit Gundam Can Teach Us About Fashion Theory - Video Essay

Описание к видео What Mobile Suit Gundam Can Teach Us About Fashion Theory - Video Essay

I had to trim a bunch of stuff out because of a copyright strike, so thats why the video has weird cuts at the start and at 11:10. Blame bandai ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mobile Suit Gundam is a sprawling, 41 year old franchise (some might call it a megafranchise...), and it’s the signature THING™ for “Big Robot Piloted by Little Boy” type media - aka Mecha. My goal here is to go back to Gundam’s original 1979 anime and examine it from a fashion studies perspective. Because of its relationship to the body, Mecha can offer an interesting perspective from which to study fashion, and likewise, fashion studies can provide insight into the nuances of the Mecha genre. This essay sits at the cross section of Sarah’s two main interests; costume and gundam, and there is gold hidden at this X.

If you liked this video and want to support me, please considr checking out my knitwear shop: https://www.sarahmcclintock.com/knitwear

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u...


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