Discover the Power of Ocean Minerals with AquaVIVE's Electrolyte Drink Mix Powders

Описание к видео Discover the Power of Ocean Minerals with AquaVIVE's Electrolyte Drink Mix Powders

Within the waters of the ocean are all the trace minerals needed for optimum health and vitality. Our AquaVIVE TM Ionic Sea Minerals are pure, concentrated ocean water combined with other natural flavors and ingredients to make a powerful electrolyte drink mix. These sea minerals naturally promote balanced trace minerals for our bodies. Most of our foods today lack trace minerals.

Ocean water resembles the mineral make-up of our bodies, since both sea plants and the tissues of our body contain these natural occurring elements. Truly, good things come from the sea. AquaVIVE captures the trace minerals from pure Australian ocean water from the Great Barrier Reef and concentrates the minerals into both liquid and powder. In the evaporation process around 99% of the sodium precipitates out creating a dense trace mineral product with a low-sodium profile.

Ocean minerals assist in replenishing the body with natural electrolytes, the minerals in your blood and body fluids that carry an electric charge. Electrolytes affect the amount of water in your body, blood pH, muscle action and nerve impulses. They directly influence the activities of all major organs in the body, and without them your heart, brain and organs would cease to function.

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